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6 Benefits of Joining a Recognitions Scheme

The popular recognition schemes are either DVSA Earned Recognised Scheme or the FORS (Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme). Both schemes are excellent and have multiple benefits, the following 6 benefits are common for both the schemes:

Standout and Proud

Given the choice, who would your service users prefer, someone who is accredited for their safety, compliance and efficiency or someone they have no information about?

Businesses / Clients are more and more aware of the impact their businesses are having on the environment, hence they would prefer to choose operators who can demonstrate their accreditation.

Increase Efficency

Through the latest technology, training and Industry best practice, drivers and operators become acutely aware of environmental impact and fuel consumption, resulting in more economic driving practices.

With professional training, eLearning and tools, drivers and managers are equipped on making the right decision for their business and the environment.

Improve Road Safety Record

Dedicated professional training equips operators and most importantly the drivers with tools, skills and insight that results in better road safety, understanding of risks and reduced collisions and near misses.

Access to FORS safety tools, guides and training can support a safety culture within an organisation.

Ensure Compliance

Using the FORS Affinity partner products to ensure compliance is the modus operandi on how to fulfil the Operator Obligations as stipulated by the DVSA.

The whole system is geared around supporting operators with tools, training and development to meet their obligations, which results in lower costs, better safety record and fewer stops by the DVSA/ VOSA officials or the Police.

Be in the Know

As part of the scheme, you have access to information at your fingertips, with newsletters and insider knowledge, your business is always ready to adapt and succeed.

Training sessions allow great opportunities to network with similar-minded business individuals.

Reduce Insurance

More and more Insurance and underwriters are using FORS accreditation as a means of accessing risk, which may lead to insurance premium reduction.

Obviously many other factors are taken into consideration with regard to fleet insurance costs, but with all things being equal, being part of FORS accreditation can score favourably with some (if not all) Insurance organisations and hence reduce a major fixed cost.