The FTC (Fleet Transport Consultants) Logo


Equal Opportunities Policy

Zed Aziz - November 2023

Fleet Transport Consultants Ltd is committed to creating a working environment and providing services free from discrimination and harassment, where everyone feels valued and respected. We believe everyone deserves equal opportunities and fair treatment, regardless of their:

  • Age

  • Disability

  • Gender reassignment

  • Marriage and civil partnership

  • Pregnancy and maternity

  • Race

  • Religion or belief

  • Sex

  • Sexual orientation

Our Commitment:

  • Recruitment and Selection: We will ensure fair and objective processes for recruitment and selection, focusing on skills and qualifications regardless of the characteristics listed above.

  • Training and Development: We will offer training and development opportunities to all employees on an equal basis.

  • Promotion and Advancement: We will base decisions on promotion and advancement solely on merit and qualifications.

  • Workplace Culture: We will foster a working environment that is inclusive and respectful of all individuals. We will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment.


  • Management: Our management team is responsible for implementing this policy, promoting equality, and taking appropriate action to address any concerns raised.

  • Employees: All employees are responsible for upholding this policy, treating colleagues and customers with respect, and reporting any concerns they may have.

Reporting Concerns:

If you believe you have been discriminated against or harassed, you are encouraged to report the matter confidentially to a manager, a member of the Human Resources team, or through our anonymous whistleblowing hotline. We will investigate all concerns thoroughly and take appropriate action.


This policy is compliant with all relevant UK legislation, including the Equality Act 2010.


This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains effective and aligns with any changes in legislation or best practices.

Fleet Transport Consultants Ltd

Next Review Circa November 2024