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How to Create a HGV Driver Risk Assessment

By following the following steps, you can create a HGV driver risk assessment that will help to keep your drivers safe.
1. Identify the hazards. This means identifying all the potential hazards that could cause harm to HGV drivers, passengers, or other road users. Some common hazards include:
  • Driving fatigue (what supervision is in place)

  • Mental or Physical Health (how often is this discussed with the drivers)

Mental Health Wellbeing:

Does the driver appear anxious, stressed or depressed?
Does the driver have any history of mental health problems?
Has the driver expressed any concerns or worries about their job, personal life or health?
Does the driver have any sleep problems or insomnia?
Does the driver seem to be struggling with fatigue, lack of energy or motivation?
Does the driver exhibit any signs of drug or alcohol abuse?
Does the driver show signs of aggression, irritability or mood swings?

Physical Health Wellbeing:

Does the driver appear to be in good physical condition?
Does the driver have any chronic health conditions that could affect their ability to drive safely?
Does the driver complain of any pain or discomfort?
Does the driver have any vision or hearing problems that could impact their driving?
Does the driver have any restrictions on their mobility or range of motion?
Does the driver have any issues with their reflexes or coordination?
Does the driver have any concerns about their overall health or wellbeing?
  • Distractions such as mobile phones, GPS or eating (are in-cab cameras & dashcams used)

  • Speeding (how often are tachograph speeding reports reviewed)

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (is there a policy and do tests take place)

  • Poor weather conditions

  • Dangerous road conditions

  • Aggressive driving (how often are tachograph harsh braking reports reviewed)

  • Vehicle defects (driver walkaround and maintenance records reviewed and spot checked)

  • General Compliance Culture (business being run as a responsible operator)

2. Decide who might be harmed and how. Once you have identified the hazards, you need to consider who might be harmed by them and how. For example, driving fatigue could lead to a driver falling asleep at the wheel, which could cause a serious accident.
3. Evaluate the risks. Once you have identified the hazards and who might be harmed, you need to evaluate the risks. This means considering the likelihood of the hazard occurring and the severity of the harm that could be caused. For example, driving fatigue is a relatively common hazard, but it can also cause serious accidents.
4. Record your findings. Once you have evaluated the risks, you need to record your findings in a risk assessment document. This document should include the following information:
  • ·       The hazards identified

  • ·       Who might be harmed by the hazards

  • ·       The likelihood of the hazards occurring

  • ·       The severity of the harm that could be caused

  • ·       The measures that have been taken to control the risks

5. Review the risk assessment regularly. It is important to review the risk assessment regularly, as the risks may change over time. For example, new hazards may emerge, or the likelihood of existing hazards occurring may increase. To ensure a good feedback, actively encourge and monitor "near-misses".

Here are some additional tips for creating a HGV driver risk assessment:

  • Involve HGV drivers in the risk assessment process. They will be able to provide valuable insights into the hazards that they face on a daily basis.

  • Keep the risk assessment document up to date. This will ensure that it is always accurate and reflects the current risks.

  • Train HGV drivers on the risks identified in the risk assessment document. This will help them to avoid accidents and injuries.

  • Provide HGV drivers with the resources they need to control the risks. For example, provide them with well-maintained vehicles and access to training.

  • Monitor the effectiveness of the risk control measures. This will help you to identify any areas where the risk assessment needs to be updated.

Download a HSE Workplace Risk Assessment Template
