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Driver Hours and Tachographs

1. Overview

Drivers of goods vehicles, buses, and coaches must adhere to specific rules regarding driving hours and breaks. These rules vary depending on the type of vehicle and the country in which you are operating.

  • Goods Vehicles: Rules depend on the vehicle’s weight and the country of operation.

  • Buses and Coaches: Regulations depend on the number of passenger seats and the type of service.

In Northern Ireland, different rules apply, and additional working time regulations must be followed for both goods vehicles and passenger vehicles. Non-compliance with these rules can result in fines, prohibition notices, or other penalties.

2. Rules for Employers

If you employ drivers or mobile workers, you are responsible for:

  • Keeping records of drivers’ hours for at least one year.

  • Ensuring drivers are properly trained and understand the rules.

  • Organizing schedules to comply with the regulations.

  • Monitoring and checking drivers' hours and records.

  • Providing records to enforcement officers upon request.

You cannot incentivize drivers based on delivery speed or distance traveled if it encourages rule violations.

Mobile Workers include:

  • Drivers (employed, own-account, agency)

  • Vehicle crew (e.g., second drivers, conductors)

  • Other traveling staff (e.g., security guards, draymen)

3. Goods Vehicles

EU Rules

Apply if the vehicle's maximum weight exceeds 3.5 tonnes and you're operating in the UK or traveling to/from an EU country. Some exemptions apply in the UK.

AETR Rules

Apply to vehicles over 3.5 tonnes traveling to, through, or from AETR countries.

GB Domestic Rules

Apply if:

  • The vehicle’s maximum weight is under 3.5 tonnes.

  • The vehicle is exempt from EU rules within the UK.

  • The vehicle is used for trade or business.

For international trips outside the UK, EU, EEA, or Switzerland, consult the local embassy for specific regulations.

Further Information:

4. Buses, Coaches, and Minibuses

Rules vary based on:

  • Number of passenger seats

  • Distance traveled

  • International or domestic routes

  • Regular vs. non-regular services

Public Service Vehicles (PSV)

  • 8 or fewer passenger seats: GB domestic rules apply.

  • 9 to 12 passenger seats: GB domestic rules or EU/AETR rules, depending on the service type.

  • 13 to 16 passenger seats: EU/AETR rules for national or international services.

  • 17 or more passenger seats: EU/AETR rules apply for most services.

Non-PSV Vehicles

  • Up to 8 passenger seats: No drivers’ hours rules.

  • 9 or more passenger seats: Follow EU rules unless exempt.

Non-Commercial Vehicles

  • Up to 8 seats: No drivers’ hours rules.

  • 9 or more seats: Follow EU rules or GB rules if used for non-commercial journeys.

For driving between the UK and another country:

  • Up to 8 passenger seats: Follow local rules.

  • 9 or more passenger seats: Follow EU or AETR rules.

Further Information:

5. Exemptions from EU Law

Certain vehicles are exempt from EU rules and follow GB domestic rules:

  • Passenger Vehicles: See section 1.1 of the Drivers’ Hours and Tachographs guidance.

  • Goods Vehicles: See section 1.1 of the Drivers’ Hours and Tachographs guidance.

6. EU Rules

Despite Brexit, EU rules may still apply:

  • Driving Hours: Max 9 hours per day (10 hours twice a week), 56 hours per week, 90 hours in any 2 weeks.

  • Breaks and Rest:Daily rest: 11 hours (reduced to 9 hours up to 3 times in 2 weeks).Weekly rest: 45 hours (reduced to 24 hours every other week).Breaks: At least 45 minutes after 4.5 hours driving.Weekly rest after 6 consecutive 24-hour periods of working.

For international trips, specific rules apply for taking rest periods and breaks.

Further Information:

7. GB Domestic Rules

Goods Vehicles

  • Duty Time: All working time if employed; driving or related work if self-employed.

  • Daily Driving Limit: Max 10 hours.

  • Daily Duty Limit: Max 11 hours (not applicable if not driving).

  • Exemptions: Include emergency services, private use, certain work activities.

Buses and Coaches

  • Duty Time: All working time if employed; driving or related work if self-employed.

  • Daily Driving Limit: Max 10 hours.

  • Length of Working Day: Max 16 hours.

  • Breaks:Work < 8.5 hours: Break after 5.5 hours of driving.Work ≥ 8.5 hours: Breaks totaling at least 45 minutes.

  • Rest Periods: 10 hours before and after shifts, reduced to 8.5 hours up to 3 times a week.


  • Emergency situations

  • Driving < 4 hours/day

8. AETR Rules

AETR rules are similar to EU rules with some differences:

  • Can work more than 4 consecutive weeks away from home.

  • Only one reduced weekly rest period allowed at a time.

  • Regular daily rest can be interrupted during ferry crossings.

Countries Covered by AETR Rules:

  • Includes Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and others.

9. Driving Under Both EU or AETR Rules and GB Domestic Rules

When operating under both EU/AETR and GB domestic rules:

  • Follow EU/AETR rest periods and weekly rest.

  • Driving under EU/AETR rules counts towards GB domestic limits.

  • GB domestic duty limits must be adhered to.

Driving Limits:

  • Max 10 hours driving per day under GB rules.

  • Follow EU/AETR rules for driving hours.

Rest Periods and Breaks:

  • Follow EU/AETR rules for rest periods when driving in EU/AETR countries.



Tachographs record driving time, speed, and distance to ensure compliance with drivers’ hours regulations.

When You Need a Tachograph: If your vehicle is subject to EU or AETR rules.

Types of Tachographs:

  • Analogue: Older model.

  • Digital: Required for vehicles first registered on or after 1 May 2006.

Further Information:

Tachographs in Light Vehicles

For light vehicles towing trailers:

  • Tachograph Required: If total weight exceeds 3.5 tonnes.

Fitting a Tachograph: Consult the DVSA for guidance and fitting services.

Further Help:

Applying for Tachograph Cards:

  • Driver Card: Apply online or by post.

  • Company Card: Apply for or renew online.


  • First card: £32

  • Renewal: £19

  • Replacement: £19

Report Issues:

  • Lost/Stolen Cards: Report to DVLA immediately.

  • Contact DVLA: 0300 790 6109, Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm

Working Time Regulations

  1. Limits: Average 48 hours/week, up to 60 hours in a single week, 10-hour night work limit unless agreed otherwise.

  2. Work Definition: Includes driving, loading, and other related tasks.

  3. Recordkeeping: Employers must maintain accurate records of working time, which can include tachograph data.

Guidance on Severe Weather: In severe weather, drivers may exceed normal limits to reach safety. Emergency exemptions are available but must be used judiciously.

For any uncertainties or queries regarding these regulations, contact the Department for Transport or the DVSA.